Noriko has just released three of their 2012 styles and WigSalon exclusively has the images online, the wigs in stock and shipping as of 12/12/11. Noriko has such a flawless line that they rarely introduce or remove styles. Still two of these three are improvements on styles they have had before and we will explain below.
Three New 2012 Styles from Noriko - now exclusively at WigSalon
Morgan by Noriko is a cross between the original Megan and the Reese, but with flippy ends. The Megan had been one of the most popular styles Noriko ever made becasue it suited so many women and was so easy to make look great. You could not miss with it. A few years back they removed some of the volume on the original Megan. We were never sure why, but some gals liked it just fine the new way. It was lighter and cooler too. The Morgan has a tad more volume than the current Megan, more like the original Megan and it comes down a tad longer on the sides too. So you can easily acheive some flippy ends if you want. It's a real easy-to-do style, like all Noriko wigs, and the slight change will be just enough to say - this is my new look. So Morgan is our pick for the hottest new style of 2012. It is exclusively here right now, and in time for the holidays.
Bree by Noriko is a replacement for the Violet which had been one of the original Noriko wigs back in the late 80's, so as popular as it was, Violet was due for an upgrade. The lines are cleaner and sleeker than they were with Violet. She is tad lighter in weight, and has a more modern profile. If you need a perfect long straight wig with layers, this is your new trade secret.
The Avery is a genuine new style for Noriko. It features long length and curly waves. Choose this if you can handle the length and curves and the looks you will get with this stunning feminine style. Available online and shipping now exclusively at WigSalon. Long layers and soft wavy curls for the ultimate in feminine appeal.
Noriko has also added three new colors for the new styles, and there is word some of these new shades will be made in the regular line of Noriko as we get into 2012. Understanding colors is important, we are going to describe these for you, so you get it it right when you order.
CHOCOLATE LAVA is, as the word suggest, a fusion of black and brown. The black (the lava) is an off-black and the brown in somewhere between dark chocolate and medium brown. So, it is a brunette that is not monotone or boring and has some youthful contrast to it. Very nice really and a color you dont find everywhere.
The BURNT SIENNA occupies the space of a reddish brown. It has variations, is not very dark but has darker roots. It is a Hybrant Color. The
PEARL PLATINUM is so far only made in the Morgan. This is a youthful silvery platinum, with some light gold blond or creamy blond in the mix. It is both mature and youthful. Really a great platinum.
Hope you like! WigSalon.
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